At Riken, our aim when providing Childrens Dentistry is that on their 18th Birthday children have a beautiful smile, no fillings and a perfectly functioning occlusion.
We achieve this by:
- Regular recalls – in a fun environment our hygienists teach them how to look after their mouth. For example, tooth brushing, dental flossing and good diet.
- Fissure sealants – often toothbrush bristles cannot get down to the bottom of the grooves on the biting surfaces of posterior teeth. These grooves are called fissures and they can be filled with tooth coloured resins. These fissure sealants help protect these occlusal surfaces so that they do not develop dental decay.
- An X-ray [called orthopantomograph] is taken at age 8 to confirm the presence and positioning of permanent teeth which are in the jaw bones and yet to erupt into the mouth. Any anomalies can then be corrected at an early age when growth is still occurring.
- Growth and development are continually monitored so each child has cosmetic and well-functioning dentition. Sometimes a referral to an orthodontist is warranted and often the earlier this happens the easier and better the treatment might be.
- Much of this treatment is performed by the hygienists under the guidance of the dentist.
- A second orthopantomograph is often taken at age 16 to 18 to review the presence and proper eruption of wisdom teeth. Sometimes wisdom teeth only partially erupt and may need to be extracted. Therefore, referral to an Oral Surgeon may be considered.
We accept the Child Dental Benefits Schedule for many childrens dentistry services offered at Riken Dental!